CropLife Latin America

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Visit our Blog on Sustainability and Development

We aim to inform about the contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, through the actions of affiliated companies and/or through the CropLife Latin America Associations Network.

Regulatory agenda and sustainability

Consult this interactive map on regulatory process in Latin America. Impact of Green Deal, risk assessment project in Andean region and more…

Main achievements of CropLife Latin America in 2023

José Perdomo, president of the association, highlights that in 2023, science and the principles of assessment and risk management of agrochemicals gained space.

The global population will exceed 9,000 million in 2050. To meet the demand for food farmers will need to produce more with less, using new technology and facing challenges such as excessive rainfall, drought, pressure from new pests and diseases, the loss natural resources, among others.

Can farmers adapt to these new conditions arising from the impact of climate change on agriculture and mitigate the consequences? Find out in this collection of four information infographics that you can download in PDF.

Infographics # 1: What challenges farmers face?

Infographics # 2: How can farmers mitigate and adapt to climate change?

Infographics # 3: How does climate change impact agriculture?

Infographics # 4: Products that can revolutionize agriculture in 2050